Laser Therapy Synergy Kit
he Laser Therapy Synergy Kit provides extra stimulating action for use with LLLT therapy for hair loss. Perfect for use with HairMax, Theradome, or other Laser devices for hair loss, this kit will help optimize the performance and results of your laser treatments.
The kit will help remove residues and toxins that build up on the scalp, allowing better penetration of the laser light into the follicles. It also provides the nutrients necessary for vigorous optimal hair growth. In addition, the antiseptic and astringent effects help regulate the production and secretion of harmful sebum that accumulates in the follicular tunnels and on the scalp.
Densifying Growth Shampoo 250ml
Repair Sealing Conditioner 250ml
Anti-Residue Shampoo Shampoo 250ml
Stimulating Action Serum 90ml